Monday, May 22, 2006

Service Briefing + Debriefing

Dear All

Please note that we will now implement a pre-service briefing + prayer (10am) as well as a post-service briefing + prayer (immediately after service) at the PA Desk every week.

The purpose of the brief is as follows:
1. Assignment of task/roles/responsbilities
2. Clarify any questions
3. Feedback from ZSM
4. Pray up for service

The purpose of the debrief is as follows:
1. Evaluation of task/roles/responsibilities
2. Feedback/suggestions/improvements
3. Thanksgiving

The "Boss" will be incharge of leading the brief/debrief. In the "Boss" absence, the "Desk" person will take over. This is to improve communication in the team as well as part of our continuing work to instill excellence in our ministry.

God Bless!
PA Soundz Team

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Oct to December 2010 Roster

Setup : Sunday, 7:30am
Rehearsal : Sunday, 8:30am

Note: All 'bosses' (in-charge) for the day please remind the team beforehand to ensure attendance. Give each other morning call if there is a problem with waking up.

Note: Please arrange to swap with someone if you can't make it for you duty, it is your responsibility.

Let's serve with Joy!

Current crew Keith|Jon Goh|Charlyn|LuLu|Jayson|Ming Choon

Alvin|Kong|Joseph|Eva Ding|Mark Tay|George|Swing Tan|Chen Kiat|Serena

Setup: Saturday 1.30pm

Rehersal: Saturday 2.30pm

Current crew

En Khong|Keith Tang|Edwin Tan|Ming Choon|Charlyn|Kong|Edmund

Setup: Sunday 6.00am Rehearsal : Sunday 7:00am

Current crew

Jon Chia|Joshua Lau|Wei Ping|Soon Eng|Norman|Ian Yong|Felicia|Darren|Esther|Chee Ping

Please send your exam timetable to so that I can update the rest of the roster. Also that we'd be able to pray together as a team for all you students! :)


Monday, December 19, 2005


Here are some ground rules we should try to follow to help raise the level of our ministry:

1. Sleep early the night before. This helps us be punctual and be alert during service.
2. Be proactive. Team members on stage duty (S) will have to sit with the Worship Team to help with movements (adjust mic stand / wires / troubleshoot).
3. Service Protocol. All team members to be remindered to bring their bibles / notebooks. There should be NO FOOD at the desk. Please reminder that we are still part of the service and there is something we can gain from it.
4. SERVE WITH JOY! Lets have a positive attitude and be polite and encourage to the rest of the people we serve! = )

Thanks people! You are all going a great job!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005



DESK (D) Incharge of EQ-ing worship team, soundcheck for all items (projections, speaker, special items), live sound during service.

ASSISTANT DESK (A/D) Assist Desk Person, incharge of pre/post service music + Service recording, Eyes on Stage during service

STAGE (S) Assistance worship team in setup, assist Desk Person to check connections / change leads/cables during rehearsals, responsible for a clear + neat stage, runner for Desk Person

SETUP (ST) Assist in the setup on saturday. NOT REQUIRED to come early on Sunday but strongly encouraged to help with the packup after service.

BOSS (B) Superivor for the day. He/She will be there to help troubleshoot / answer questions / intervene if team cannot cope. Not required to come for rehearsal or setup.

Please note that the first name will be the team leader for the day. He/She is responsible for ensuring the team comes early for setup + rehearsal, filling up of weekly evaluation and making all neccessary arrangments